GJSFR Volume 25
Introduction & Purpose
Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: (E) Marine Science is an international journal for publishing natural science research papers. It aims to encourage and provide international publication to researchers, scientists and professors of natural science. We welcome original researches, surveys and review of papers of all the streams of natural science from all over the world. The GJSFR comprises comprehensive frontier trends of Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Bio-tech, Geology, Military Science, Environment and all Interdisciplinary & Frontier Subjects etc. Journal of Physics, Journal of Chemistry etc. are belonging to GJSFR.
Fostering Governance at Remote Marine Protected Areas in Times of Blue Economy: Baseline for Stakeholders Composition
The Blue Economy is an emerging concept that encourages better stewardship of the ocean and associat...
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Cyber Security of the Maritime ICTs, threat vectors and implications on Global Sea Lanes of Commerce (SLOC).
This paper examines the cyber security aspect of the Maritime Transportation System (MTS) to underst...
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Nuclear Propulsion in Merchant Ship Operations and Implications
Nuclear fuel cycle and its application to the marine propulsion draw attention to the international ...
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To Examine the Feasibility, Achievability of the CSI, And Its Implications in Global Context.
This study focuses on the Container Security Initiatives taken by the US Government and its global i...
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